Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Guy Wins a Million Dollars, I Get Bit By a Pit Bull

I can't claim Thanksgiving was boring. Walking my dogs in a park near my house, they spotted the neighbor's dog, who was also being walked in the park. Once before, on leashes, 'Lady', a bit pull, had gone after one of my dogs. But that happens all the time, so i didn't think too much of it. Besides, dogs on leashes are usually more aggressive than off-leash. At first, all was well, as the three dogs were playing chase and sniff-butt, but then, all of a sudden, 'Lady' went after 'Bongo'. While the guy walking Lady was just yelling, "Lady, stop it!", I went in to get my dog out of the fray, and I have the dog bite on my arm to prove it. Let this be a lesson for all of you who think there is no way for a 60 lb. dog, even if it is a pit bull, can take you down. That dog bit HARD! Puncture wounds at every toothmark. So after I got home and realized I was bleeding (from multiple holes) I went back to the neighbors to make sure the dog had all of it's shots. It did. I'm over it.

I'm not over, however, one Mr. Robert Barnes. He won $926,000 in the South Carolina lottery. He let me come to his house to do a story on him, and he is by far the best character I've ever reported on. You have to watch this guy.

I seriously believe we could triple our viewership if we had this guy do a weekly commentary on our newscast. 'Nuff said.


Kelsey said...

Did the dog get Bongo?!! How awful. I'm glad to hear you're okay. By the way, I LOVED the lottery winner story. Also LOVE the hidden columbia series. It sounds like you have a franchise on your hands!! And a very good one too.
Keep 'em coming!!!

Tre Bien said...

That man was hilarious, and you asking for the 10 dollars is typcial Andy one liner. :-)